Vibrating Feeder

Vibratory conveyors designed to meter an even spread of product to interfacing equipment and downstream processes, allowing users to improve and better control production flow.

Electromagnetic linear vibratory feeder designed to move a variety of products and can be used with a number of applications such as feeding processing lines or weigh heads. Consist of a tray and electromagnetic vibrator.


- Hygienic stainless steel body and tray designs

- Conveys a range of free flowing products, providing even spread to interfacing equipment

- Low energy use for improved environmental efficiency

- Low operational costs

* The manufacturer reserves the right to introduce technical modifications.

AMOTEK have developed a range of hygienic vibratory conveyors. Сonfigurations and options are determined according to customer requests. Our engineers adapt any product from our range to the client's needs and also they can propose innovative solutions.

Electromagnetic Vibrator:

  • AC current
  • AC Frequency: 50 Hz
  • Consumed Power: at 4 to 32 A

Contril Cabinet:

  • AC current
  • Power Requirements: 220 volt


Capacity, m3/h at 0,1
Double amplitude, mm 1,2
Dimensions, mm от 100 х 500 х 1000
Rated Power, kWt 0,5
Weight, kg 200